RareAction Network > About > News > NORD News > Downloadable Hurricane Harvey Emergency Relief Resources
Downloadable Hurricane Harvey Emergency Relief Resources
Hurricane Harvey has left thousands rid of their belongings and forced out of their homes. For individuals living with a rare disease, the impact of such natural disasters can be even more detrimental. Together, NORD staff worked with our Texas RareAction Network State Ambassador, Debbie Skolaski to create the Hurricane Harvey Emergency Relief Resources packet, a list of emergency relief resources available for download that may be helpful for rare disease families in the Houston area.
The packet of resources and information includes health & medical resources, open pharmacies, Food and Drug Administration disaster information, pet resources, and more.
Our hearts go out to those who have been hit by Hurricane Harvey over the last week. Many of our member organizations, RareAction Network members, and friends to NORD have been impacted by this record breaking storm. We’re extending our warm thoughts to these folks and all who have been devastated by this storm.
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