Learn More About These Achievements Below.
RareAction Network > Achievements

- Successfully passed a Rare Disease Legislative Task Force in CT (March 2015)
- Supported and helped pass the NC Rare Disease Advisory Council Bill (HB 823 – July 2015)
- Successfully passed the IL Rare Disease Commission Bill (HB 4576 – June 2016)
- Actively supported the passage of Step-Therapy legislation in 4 states (2016)
- Actively supported the passage of Biosimilars legislation in 6 states (2016)
- Conducted hill days in five states:
- Massachusetts (SB 541)
- Pennsylvania (SB 841)
- Ohio (Rx Out-of-Pocket and Rare Disease Day)
- Connecticut (HB 5517)
- Florida (general rare disease)
- Disseminated state-specific policy statements to local legislators and advocates in every state
- Submitted written testimony on legislation in 30 states
- Actively planned and participated in over 100 meetings with state legislators on key policy initiatives
- Submitted RDD policy recommendations to the Governor, legislative leadership, and Medicaid Director in all 50 states
- Created and launched the first-ever Rare Disease State Policy Progress Report
- Launched a monthly State Legislative Tracker
- Increased RareAction membership to over 1,500 people spanning 46 states.
- Recruited 7 State Ambassadors
- Now leading 2 state coalitions and are members of 10 state-based coalition covering a variety of issues
- Met in-pereson with legislators, advocates and patient groups in 18 states