NORD is presenting opportunities for advocates to get involved and make their voices heard in order to protect the healthcare coverage of rare disease patients across the country who will be negatively impacted by this proposal.
RareAction Network > Days of Action to Protect Your Healthcare Coverage
Days of Action to Protect Your Healthcare Coverage

For the latest updates on this proposal and how to get involved in this campaign, stay connected with NORD online.
Advocacy Kit
A new proposal to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is being voted on next week and it includes several provisions that could be particularly harmful to individuals with rare diseases. For more background information, read our statement here.
YOU CAN HELP! Call your Senators NOW and urge them to vote no on the Graham/Cassidy Bill. Make a call by clicking on the button below.
A new proposal to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is being voted on next week and it includes several provisions that could be particularly harmful to individuals with rare diseases. For more background information, read our statement here.
YOU CAN HELP! Email your Senators NOW and urge them to vote no on the Graham/Cassidy Bill. Send an email by clicking on the button below.
By sharing similar messaging on social media, we can make a huge impact together and have the voice of the rare disease community heard on a large scale. We urge you to share messages often on social media for the next week to let Senators and the public know that the Graham/Cassidy Bill would be extremely harmful to rare disease patients.
Below are some suggested social media posts to use. For twitter handles and Facebook pages of Senators, click here.
Tag Your Senators on Twitter
- (@___________) #GrahamCassidy hurts [ENTER STATE] #raredisease patients who rely on quality coverage. We deserve better. #ProtectPatientsNow
- (@___________) [ENTER STATE] #raredisease patients say vote no to #GrahamCassidy. Will you #ProtectPatientsNow?
- (@___________) We Need You. Please #ProtectPatientsNow. #RareDisease patients in [ENTER STATE] rely on quality #healthcare coverage. Please OPPOSE.
- (@___________) will you stand up for #raredisease patients in [ENTER STATE] by refusing to support the #GrahamCassidy? #ProtectPatientsNow
- (@___________) will you stand up for #raredisease patients in [ENTER STATE] and #ProtectPreX & #ProtectMedicaid? Oppose #GrahamCassidy#ProtectPatientsNow
Post on Facebook/Instagram
- Patient advocates across the United States are rallying together to ensure that the Graham/Cassidy Bill, the latest proposal to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), does not become law. Together, we can #ProtectPatientsNow and ensure that Congress does not pass this harmful legislation. I urge you to join the action with me today by getting involved. Whether you urge Senators and Governors to oppose the bill by making a call, sending an email, sharing a graphic, or posting on social media; YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Get involved now.
- Share this post to make the voices of patient advocates across the country heard. We need to #ProtectPatientsNow! Patients and families cannot afford for the Graham/Cassidy Bill to pass. Join us by taking action and getting involved in this effort here:
- Millions of individuals around the country, including many with pre-existing conditions (genetic disorders, diabetes, childhood cancer, and more) depend on Medicaid for life-sustaining and life-saving care. TODAY, we need to work together to ensure that patients will be able to access this care in the future as the Senate debates healthcare reform. YOU ARE NEEDED in an effort to fight back and ensure that legislation that would cut Medicaid and discriminate against individuals with pre-existing conditions, such as the Graham/Cassidy Bill, does not pass. Get involved today and take part in one or all of the activities outlined in an effort to #ProtectPatientsNow.
- There is no time to waste. Let’s take to social media to make the voices of the 30 million Americans with rare diseases who rely on affordable health care coverage heard. JOIN THE ACTION in an effort to #ProtectPatientsNow. @National Organization for Rare Disorders has outlined activities to get involved with in order to urge Congress to oppose the Graham/Cassidy bill, a piece of legislation that would be devastating to the 1 in 10 Americans living with a rare disease. We need as many people to get involved in this effort as possible to make the most impact. Use #ProtectPatientsNow on social media and get involved by visiting this webpage full of activities to get involved with:
Share on Twitter
- ACT NOW. #ProtectPatientsNow & oppose #GrahamCassidy. Visit #NORD site here:
- The voice of one [YOU] can be added to the voices of many concerned patients who want to #ProtectPatientsNow:
- You can have an impact. You can ensure that #healthcare coverage is protected. #ProtectPatientsNow & Get Involved:
- ACT NOW. Tell your Senator to #ProtectPatientsNow & Vote no #GrahamCassidy. How? Resources here:
- RETWEET. The #raredisease community MUST ACT NOW. Download resources here to #ProtectPatientsNow:
- #GrahamCassidy hurts #raredisease patients in the U.S. who rely on coverage protections. #ProtectPatientsNow. Oppose the bill!
- #RareDisease patients oppose #GrahamCassidy. Call Senators to tell them to #ProtectPatientsNow:
- Have you made a call yet? Have you made an action yet? Plenty of ways for you to #ProtectPatientsNow. GET INVOLVED:
- RETWEET. TAKE ACTION NOW. We need to shout from the rooftops! OPPOSE #GrahamCassidy
- It is up to us to ensure that the Senate does not enact the harmful #GrahamCassidy. Get Involved to #ProtectPatientsNow:
- America’s’ most vulnerable citizens [#raredisease patients] rely on good coverage. #ProtectPatientsNow OPPOSE #GrahamCassidy:
- The time is NOW to take action & #ProtectPatientsNow. OPPOSE #GrahamCassidy. GET INVOLVED:
- There are several provisions within #GrahamCassidy that will be harmful to #raredisease patients. OPPOSE. #ProtectPatientsNow
Share Message on Social Media and Tag Your Senators
Download one (or more!) of the images below, print it out, fill in the blanks, post it on social media, and tag your Senators. By sharing pictures of the faces of those who will be impacted, Senators may feel compelled to vote no on this harmful legislation. Find the Facebook profile for your Senator here.